A Biblical Model of Discipleship for Men
Ken G. Smith

“The idea used to be embraced by becoming an “apprentice”, but we don’t hear that term very often any more, except in industry. It was key in Trotman’s thinking. He kept asking, “Where’s your man?” In other words, who is the man you’re discipling? Whom do you have with you whom you are coaching to walk with Christ?”
With Him is simple, clear, warm, succinct and life-changing. Smith has painted something modest but gorgeous; a glorious picture of the joy to be found in Christian men mentoring Christian men. This is a pattern that permeates Scripture, and should (will, even) challenge us to think about who we are presenting as fully mature in Christ.
I enjoyed the book so much (devourable (?) in a single sitting) because its message is needed. There is a poverty in the form of selfishness concerning time that begets loneliness. There is an epidemic amongst believer and non-believer alike of individual entertainment married to the, frankly, pagan concept of time as “mine”. I have a long way to go, and, I suspect, so do many of us. In our circles we might need to remind ourselves again that Biblical fellowship is not only teaching God’s truth, but deep friendship also. There is a call in With Him to consider the undoubtedly true claim that Jesus would have spent time simply enjoying being with his men.
Oddly, I do not really have any areas of improvement to suggest. Perhaps this is because of the book’s shortness. I do not say this often, but it could have been longer. Smith has ensured that I question the “spread” of my ministry; I think I am now persuaded that through the discipleship of fewer brothers in depth and richness there is greater value than a superficial breadth of one-to-ones.
Man or woman, I urge you to use half an hour to read With Him. It is timely.